EGO IWEGBU launched her first salon in 1999 in London's hottest location, Topshop Oxford Circus. She went on to open a further 5 salons in Selfridges&Co London, Manchester, Trafford and Birmingham and a stand-alone salon in Fulham London.

In 2006, Ego went on to establish Miss Salon - a business to business one-stop shop for all things salon business!

Between 2011 - 2021, Ego launched Miss Salon London & MSLONDON Cosmetics (South Africa) and most recently The Good Mineral (USA) along with business partners Linda Jangulo and Natasha Iwegbu.

From her own experience as a salon owner Ego realised that many small business owners are 'on their own' when faced with the realities of running their businesses... It's hard and financial and personal freedom can take a long time to achieve!

On this website Ego addresses the needs of the start-up and established small business owner through books, workshops, profit&loss and cash flow templates, staffing solutions, mentoring programmes and much more.

If you want more click here to read the super long story of how she started and failed and then started again...

EGO IWEGBU // In her own words...
- of two beautiful boys
Grownup - I finally realised who I am
CEO - leader of brands and small companies - however sometimes that stands for Chief Entertainment Officer as I'm often ott funny and FUN!
Entrepreneur - could never work for any organisation or being or be a minority shareholder
Money Maker - my ideas and energy have generated millions 
Author - of two business books, click here
Mentor & Advisor - of many wonderful beings looking for inspiration
Speaker - at a number of awesome events, see videos here

For a quick response CONTACT ME via Instagram dm @EgoIwegbu